There are nine members to La Commission Nationale de Controle et d’Evaluation, who are appointed on the basis of their knowledge and experience in the issues relating to issues within the scope of the commission.

Three members are MEDICAL DOCTORS. One member is proposed by the Medical Board (Le college Médical). The body which is the most representative of doctors and dentists proposes two members one of whom holds specific qualification and experience in connection to the treatment of pain.

Three members are jurists, one of whom is a barrister proposed by the Bar Council (le Conseil de l’Ordre des Avocats), a judge or a prosecutor proposed by the Supreme Court of Justice and a professor at the University of Luxembourg.
A member comes from HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONS and is proposed by The Supreme Council of certain healthcare professions.

Two members are REPRESENTATIVES OF AN ORGANISATION whose objective is to defend THE PATIENTS’ RIGHTS.
Being a member of the Commission is incompatible with being a deputy, a member of the government or a member of the Conseil d’Etat.

The members of the Commission are appointed by the Grand-Duc for a term of three years. The mandate is renewable three times. The Commission elects a president among its members.

The deliberations of the Commission are only valid under the condition that at least seven of its members are present. The decisions are made by simple majority vote.

Members of the Commission, its administrative staff and experts involved are to maintain confidentiality of the data which is disclosed to them in the performance of their duties.

The amendments of the 2009 law passed in 2021 provide that each member also has an alternate with the same initial training as themselves, which will facilitate achieving the quorum in the future.