from left to right : Mireille KIES ; Lydie ERR ; Lucien WEILER ; Jean HUSS ; Marthy PÜTZ ; Marie-Paule KOHN
- – On 30 June 1988, on the initiative of the late Dr Henri CLEES and a group of determined idealists, the Association pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignité Luxembourg in short ADMD (Society for the Right to Die in dignity Luxembourg) was established. The objectives of the society included the legalization of voluntary euthanasia and the guarantee of free choice of end of life. In order to achieve the objective, it was intended to raise public awareness and draw up a draft law.
- – On 16 march 2009 after years of efforts by the society and in particular by parliamentarians Lydie ERR and Jean “Muck” HUSS, the law on euthanasia and assistance to suicide was passed. But it turned out that the implementation of the law remained hindered by several problems among which resistance from the medical profession. This led the Society to conduct persistent lobbying for the abidance by the articles of the law.
- – At the end of 2017 the Society decides to acquire a new name as well as a new visual identity. From now on under the name MAI WELLEN, MAI WEE – Association pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignité Letzebuerg a.s.b.l., the Society is targeting a higher visibility among the general public and also among specialist audience and institutions.
- – These efforts have been rewarded by the signing of an agreement with the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region, entering into force on 01 January 2018, which allows the Society to create a professional structure for psychological support and accompaniment in adequate premises.
- – On the occasion of its 30th anniversary the Society applied for and obtained the status of ’Public Benefit Organisation , by Grand-ducal decree on 03 March 2020.